Courses we offer

Our trained team of tutors create tailored materials for each student based on the assessment and feedback.

Level - KS2

Year 4 – Maths
Year 5 - Maths, Science
Year 6 – Maths, Science

Level - KS3

Year 7 - Maths, Science
Year 8 – Maths, Science
Year 9 – Maths, Science

Level - GCSE

Year 10 – Maths, Further Maths, Physics, Chemistry, Biology
Year 11 – Maths, Further Maths, Physics, Chemistry, Biology

Level - AS or A

Year 12 – Physics, Chemistry, Biology, Pure Maths, Mechanics, Statistics
Year 13 – Physics, Chemistry, Biology, Pure Maths ,Mechanics, Statistics

Can't find the curriculum you're looking for? Contact our support team.

Super simple admission process



Reach out to us via WhatsApp
+44 7418 610 817 or email to discuss your child’s tutoring needs


Requirements capture

Complete the Requirements Capture form sent by our Booking team


Initial assesment and analysis

Our team further assesses your child’s knowledge levels and support requirements through an exam


Attend a free demo class

Our Admission team will arrange a free demo class with the tutor, and student mentor; we analyze your child’s performance and create a tailored plan of action for ongoing lessons with Learnfluid


Embark on your Learnfluid journey

Our Admission team tailors class schedules according to your preferences, availability and ongoing feedback, ensuring a seamless learning experience

Ace your grades and unlock your potential

Our smart tutoring system improves the flow of knowledge
between u+i